Publication Details
- NUGS-Zhengzhou
- Phd Management Science And Engineering (Phd)
- Zhengzhou University
Exploring the impact of social capitals and knowledge creation on construction firms performance in the COVID-19 era 24 Jan 2022
Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology
An empirical study on the sharing of tacit knowledge by construction project workers in sub-Saharan Africa 20 Aug 2022
Taylor & Francis
Enablers of knowledge management: practical research-based in the construction industry 04 Jan 2022
International Journal of Innovation Science
Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology
04 Jan 2022 | 20:13
The effective and efficient implementation of daily work activities necessitates tacit knowledge sharing, boosting firm productivity. However, the link between tacit knowledge sharing within a company and its effects on organizational performance is unclear, so the purpose of this study is to examine the impact of sharing tacit knowledge on the success of a company. Construction managers and senior managers were the study’s target participants. The correlation matrix was used to assess the significant correlation between study frameworks and the statistical approach of multiple regression was also used to test the hypotheses using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) v.26. The findings suggest that companies will be more willing and capable of making decisions based on experience when knowledge systems are used successfully. Furthermore, new organizational knowledge and particular evaluation procedures, such as anxiety and conflict resolution preparation, personal relationship and training improvement, mediation and task clarity, are explained, which can aid in success. The study contributes to construction companies’ perception of knowledge sharing and recommends organizations to build capacity to encourage, improve engagement and review to maintain the dissemination of knowledge.