Publication Details
- NUGS-Hangzhou
- Doctor Of Business Mangement (Phd)
- Zhejiang Gongshang University
Enterprise Risk Management Adoption and Significant Positive Impact on Company Value. Case Study of SIC Insurance Company Ghana 14 Apr 2020
Enterprise Risk Management Adoption and Significant Positive Impact on Company Value. Case Study of SIC Insurance Company Ghana
Enterprise Risk Management Adoption and Significant Positive Impact on Company Value. Case Study of SIC Insurance Company Ghana 14 Apr 2020
Enterprise Risk Management Adoption and Significant Positive Impact on Company Value. Case Study of SIC Insurance Company Ghana
Ghana-China Bilateral Relations, (Figures of Controversy) 14 Apr 2020
Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM) p-ISSN: 2394-1545; e-ISSN: 2394-1553; Volume 2, Issue 14; October-December, 2015, pp. 1438-1442
International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences
14 Apr 2020 | 03:01
This research paper seeks to address the ensuing principal research question: “Who is an entrepreneur? What is investment? Entrepreneurs and investment methods which can be found in the proposed research interest lies in the fact that women now a days have become home contributors in terms of funding. There is an amount of scholarly publications which enclose focused on the identification of key areas in want of advance study involving women in commerce and investment. Hence, this research study will aim at this void by enunciating, refining and encompassing a number of the most up-todate theoretical viewpoints of microfinance, small as well as average size enterprises, the logical focal point of this study is in the area of entrepreneur and investment. The most important focal point will be on women as entrepreneurs and investing in their businesses. How the present political and trading environment inside Ghana is affecting women in small and medium level trading, as well as the savings and microfinance services in Ghana. Gone was the time when women in the country where domicile house wives, lacking education in addition to being degraded to a less trivial woman in society. Conversely these merit analyzing in further details, it seems that microfinance has been prejudiced towards women, who in countless countries still in need of the opportunities they require to succeed in business and provide for their families.