Publication Details
- NUGS-Hangzhou
- Doctor Of Business Mangement (Phd)
- Zhejiang Gongshang University
Enterprise Risk Management Adoption and Significant Positive Impact on Company Value. Case Study of SIC Insurance Company Ghana 14 Apr 2020
Enterprise Risk Management Adoption and Significant Positive Impact on Company Value. Case Study of SIC Insurance Company Ghana
Enterprise Risk Management Adoption and Significant Positive Impact on Company Value. Case Study of SIC Insurance Company Ghana 14 Apr 2020
Enterprise Risk Management Adoption and Significant Positive Impact on Company Value. Case Study of SIC Insurance Company Ghana
Empowering the Ghanaian Woman: (Entrepreneur and Investor) 14 Apr 2020
International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences
Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM) p-ISSN: 2394-1545; e-ISSN: 2394-1553; Volume 2, Issue 14; October-December, 2015, pp. 1438-1442
14 Apr 2020 | 03:13
This paper investigates the perceived notion that China’s goals are ideological as well as material. It is not in competition with United States or Europe for Africa or to score in the ongoing battle for global hegemony (Rothberg, 2008). Two different areas will be considered: one of which is in the area of bilateral relations and the other in investment. The relations between Ghana and China dates back to 1960 when the countries first established diplomatic relations, According to the Ghana investment promotion center, China, continuous to remain on top of foreign direct investment in Ghana, with a cumulative total of 23 new projects registered in just the first quarter of 2011. The Research philosophy here is based on Positivism and phenomenology that is associated with clarification of assumption about China's increased engagement with Africa which has sparked a debate in development circles. One group believes that the China demand for Africa's natural resources, has not only helped to re-establish Africa as a source of valuable commodities for the global market, but also, has helped to focus attention on why the continent still remains poor. The other group are voices believes that China's increased engagement with Africa is no different from earlier times which largely cast Africa as the supplier of cheap but abundant raw materials as well as a market for cheap manufactures. While In the late 1940s and early 1950s relatives of ethnic Chinese migrated to Ghana, coming from Hong Kong. Ghanaian Chinese are a racial set of Chinese diaspora in Ghana. They began arriving in the late 1960s and early 1970s; a number of of the Hong Kong migrants began to bring their wives and children over to Ghana. Migrants from Shanghai also began to arrive round this time. With the financial reform and opening up in the PRC, migrants from mainland China began arriving. Migration from mainland China intensified in the 1990s; some came as workers, but the majority was independent traders operating import-export businesses or restaurants. Immigrations from China has stretched out to Guangdong and Henan as well as the Republic of China on Taiwan. As of 2009 there were an estimated 700,000 ethnic Chinese migrants that have settled in Ghana. Beijing and Accra have enjoyed relatively strong and stable bilateral relations since the 1960s, the backdrop of a recent surge in Chinese activities in Ghana warrants a closer examination of China’s presence in Ghana and its implications for China’s West Africa and pan-African strategy. The results of the research suggest that, Ghanaians are making efforts to build a better Ghana, while the Chinese people are striving to realize the China Dream. With the sincere efforts of both sides, the dreams of the two peoples will eventually come true and the relationship between the two countries will move ever forward like the Yangtze and Volta rivers.