Publication Details
- NUGS-Nanjing
- Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (Phd)
- Nanjing University Of Information Science And Technology
Pharmacognostic Evaluation and Physicochemical Analysis of Paullinia pinnata L. (Sapindaceae) 06 Feb 2020
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
The heavy metal contents of some selected medicinal plants sampled from different geographical locations 06 Feb 2020
Pharmacognosy Research Journal
Evaluation of the Rossby Centre Regional Climate Model Rainfall Simulations over West Africa Using Large-Scale Spatial and Temporal Statistical Metric 06 Feb 2020
High Spatial Resolution Simulation of Sunshine Duration over the Complex Terrain of Ghana 06 Feb 2020
Support vector machine to map oil palm in a heterogeneous environment 06 Feb 2020
International Journal of Remote Sensing
Assessing contract management as a strategic tool for achieving quality of work in Ghanaian construction industry: A case study of FPMU and MMDAs 06 Feb 2020
Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction
Evapotranspiration and its Components in the Nile River Basin Based on Long-Term Satellite Assimilation Product 06 Feb 2020
06 Feb 2020 | 21:21
Accurate assessment and projections of extreme climate events requires the use of climate datasets with no or minimal error. This study uses quantile mapping bias correction (QMBC) method to correct the bias of five Regional Climate Models (RCMs) from the latest output of Rossby Climate Model Center (RCA4) over Kenya, East Africa. The outputs were validated using various scalar metrics such as Root Mean Square Difference (RMSD), Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and mean Bias. The study found that the QMBC algorithm demonstrate varying performance among the models in the study domain. The results show that most of the models exhibit significant improvement after corrections at seasonal and annual timescales. Specifically, the European community Earth-System (EC-EARTH) and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) models depict exemplary improvement as compared to other models. On the contrary, the Institute Pierre Simon Laplace Model CM5A-MR (IPSL-CM5A-MR) model show little improvement across various timescales (i.e. March-April-May (MAM) and October-November-December (OND)). The projections forced with bias corrected historical simulations tallied observed values demonstrate satisfactory simulations as compared to the uncorrected RCMs output models. This study has demonstrated that using QMBC on outputs from RCA4 is an important intermediate step to improve climate data prior to performing any regional impact analysis. The corrected models can be used for projections of drought and flood extreme events over the study area. This study analysis is crucial from the sustainable planning for adaptation and mitigation of climate change and disaster risk reduction perspective.