Publication Details
- NUGS-Nanjing
- Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (Phd)
- Nanjing University Of Information Science And Technology
Quantile Mapping Bias Correction on Rossby Centre Regional Climate Models for Precipitation Analysis over Kenya, East Africa 06 Feb 2020
The heavy metal contents of some selected medicinal plants sampled from different geographical locations 06 Feb 2020
Pharmacognosy Research Journal
Evaluation of the Rossby Centre Regional Climate Model Rainfall Simulations over West Africa Using Large-Scale Spatial and Temporal Statistical Metric 06 Feb 2020
High Spatial Resolution Simulation of Sunshine Duration over the Complex Terrain of Ghana 06 Feb 2020
Support vector machine to map oil palm in a heterogeneous environment 06 Feb 2020
International Journal of Remote Sensing
Assessing contract management as a strategic tool for achieving quality of work in Ghanaian construction industry: A case study of FPMU and MMDAs 06 Feb 2020
Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction
Evapotranspiration and its Components in the Nile River Basin Based on Long-Term Satellite Assimilation Product 06 Feb 2020
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
06 Feb 2020 | 21:37
The current resurgence of public interest in herbal medicines calls for heightened studies on their quality and safety. The major setback in promoting the use of these herbal medicines is the lack of standardization and the confusion in the identification and authentication of these plants and their substitutes or adulterants. In this study, the pharmacognostic and physicochemical features of the leaves, stem bark and roots of Paullinia pinnata, an African shrub used traditionally for wound healing, treatment of dysentery and also as an aphrodisiac, was evaluated. The study included macroscopy, microscopy, physicochemical and phytochemical screening. Physicochemical parameters evaluated varied widely among the various parts studied which could be used in their identification. The study also revealed the presence of acicular calcium oxalate crystals, anomocytic stomata, wavy anticlinal walled epidermal cells and unicellular and multicelluar uniserate clothing trichomes in the leaves. Morphological, anatomical and physicochemical studies of P. pinnata provides simple and reliable standards which could be useful for the proper identification of P. pinnata.